Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We are learning to order numbers to 20...

Our Fireworks Soundscape!

Here is our 'Fireworks Soundscape'. We had to think of all the sounds that fireworks make. We came up with so many; Bang, pop, explode, blast, shoot, blow-up and burst. In groups, we had to come up with a sound using our body that would best describe that word. We had so much fun doing this and we were very creative. Have a look...
Here we are practising being 'Super Speakers' on dress-up day.
How do we know if we are 'Super Speakers?' We:
-Speak clearly and confidently
-Speak about one thing - Stick to the topic
-Don't talk for too long - be brief
How do you think we went?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our 'Wonderful' Learning Team 4 Reading Tutors

"I read with them from my browsing box because I have to learn to read". Devon
"They play games with us from the reading shelves". Niamh
"They read with me, and when they read with us they correct us". Maynard
"They play the shopping list game with me. They help us learn". Alex R
In maths we are learning to say and order the months of the year. There are 12 months in the year. At the moment we are in the eighth month, August. Our next learning step is to learn the months of the year in Te Reo Maori! We will keep you posted...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

LT1 Inquiry Group - India

In Room 15 I have had a mixed group of children doing an Inquiry into the children in India and how we can help them. The children came up with the idea to raise money by baking and selling cup cakes. This was such a fantastic experience. We sold out and raised $142.50. Thanks to all the children and parents who helped with this fundraiser. It was a very valuable learning experience. Well done team!


It was recently Maori Language week. Congratulations to Campbell and Zander who were the winners of the 'Pukana' for Room 15.

We are learning . . . how to jump like experts!

Here is Reuben, Shylah and Beth jumping over a skipping rope. We have learnt to jump like experts, we need to: bend our knees, hips and ankles when we are jumping and landing. This gives our feet lots of support and prevents us from getting injured. Next week are are going to learn how to skip with a skipping rope. It was SO much fun getting outside in the nice spring air and working as a team.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010